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Ending the Korean War Teaching Collective


The online, open-access Ending the Korean War (EKW) Teaching Collective syllabus is a political education platform serving as an anti-imperialist tool against permanent war. The syllabus is organized into thematic modules designed for scholars, educators, and activists alike.

Artwork by Yong Soon Min, Defining Moments, 1992.

Race_War_Empire module banner.jpeg

In this module, we consider the Korean War as an racial project, one in which the lethality of race, war, and empire was framed not as world-destroying but as democratizing in its effects.

Ending the Korean War Teaching Collective: Principles of Unity

As a core member of the EKW Teaching Collective, I will abide by the ethos and objectives of the collective in bringing an end to the Korean War by pledging to do the following [Read the Principles of Unity document]

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