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Postcard from… Pyongtaek
Just three hours south of the De-Militarized Zone, the South Korean government is waging alarming levels of violence and repression...
KPI Statement on NK Nuclear Test
In September 2005, the parties to the 6-party talks—the United States, North Korea, China, South Korea, Japan, and Russia—agreed on a...
Joint Statement from the Congressional Press Conference on the Proposed U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreem
Kang Ki Kap, Member of Parliament from the Korean Democratic Labor Party Whereas, this joint statement is made nearing the conclusion of...
Statement from the Congressional Press Conference on the Proposed U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement
Oakland Institute Fellow | Korea Policy Institute Board Member Good morning and thank you for attending this press conference. My name is...
Korean and American Workers, Farmers and Legislators Voice Opposition to U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agree
Anuradha Mittal, 510-469-5228, WASHINGTON—June 1—As trade negotiators from the United States and South Korea...
Congressional Briefing on the Reunification of Korea
Congressional Briefing on the Reunification of Korea
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