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Korea’s Berlin Wall
As we watched the Berlin Wall tumble down, “we wept from the heartbreak of sorrow mixed with joy,” recalls Jungran Shin, a financial...
Interview with Mike Chinoy on the Stephen Bosworth Visit to North Korea and U.S.- North Korea Relati
(The Korean language version of this interview will be published in Minjog 21.) Mike Chinoy is currently a senior fellow at the...
Crossing the Threshold to Peace
As U.S. Special Envoy Stephen Bosworth makes a historic trip to North Korea this December, Koreans and those concerned about the Korean...
Understanding North Korea
As a longtime peace activist and progressive, Christine Ahn was used to being on the ideological fringe. But even she wasn’t prepared to...

To care for the People As if They were Heaven: Kim Dae Jung on Kwangju and the U.S. role in South Ko
Tim Shorrock recounts his June 1985 interview with the late President Kim Dae Jung published by The Progressive, February, 1986. The...
Economic Sanctions Towards North Korea
A violation of the right to health and a call to action On 12 June 2009, the United Nations Security Council approved its strictest...
Send Bosworth to North Korea
A thawing is occurring in Asia, especially on the Korean peninsula, melting away over a half century of hardened enmity between historic...
North Korean “Counterfeiting Scheme” Redux: What is Behind These Renewed Allegations?
As relations with North Korea show signs of improvement two recent articles have brought to the fore old and unconfirmed allegations of...
A New Opportunity to Engage North Korea
As the United States and North Korea prepare to re-engage one another through diplomacy, there remains skepticism in Washington about...
Improving Human Rights in North Korea: The Interdependence of Peace and Human Rights
Dr. Bo-Hyuk Suh is a former senior researcher at the South Korea National Human Rights Commission, is currently Research Professor at the...

The Time is Now to Negotiate with North Korea
By Haeyoung Kim | 2009
What Were Laura Ling and Euna Lee Looking For in North Korea?
The trafficking story is a dangerous pursuit—but without more information and world attention, tens of thousands of North Korean women...
Why We Must End the Korean War
July 27th marks the 56th anniversary of the United States’ temporary armistice with North Korea. On this day, people in five cities...

North Korea Shipping: A Potential for WMD Proliferation?
Summary The possibility that North Korean ships may be smuggling weapons of mass destruction is a matter of intense concern in the Asia...
Does South Korea Want Renewed Military Tension with North Korea?
To the White House officials who prepared the first draft of the June 16 Washington communiqué issued by Presidents Obama and Lee, the...
He’s Not the Crazy One
Despite missiles, hostages, bomb tests, and cyberattacks, North Korea’s Dear Leader is quite consistent, says the region’s top expert,...

“Still Present Pasts” Website and Virtual Exhibit Launched
The Korea Policy Institute is pleased to support the launch of the new Still Present Pasts website and virtual exhibit. Along with a...
Sending another “Jimmy Carter” to North Korea
North Korea is often accused of dishonoring the commitments it makes in negotiations. However, in North Korean eyes, it is the U.S. that...
Leading International Scholars on North Korea Address the Links Between Human Rights, Nuclear Weapon
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Christine Ahn, 310-482-9333June 18, Christine Hong,...
Engaging North Korea: Human Rights, Nuclear Weapons and a Path to Peace in the Obama Era The Obama A
More from the Forum Presentation of Dr. Hazel Smith, Author and Professor of Resilience and Security, Cranfield University.
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