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Finding the Truth in North Korea
By Ricky Y. Choi | December 31, 2011

Korea at the Crossroads: Peace or Confrontation?
By Dorothy Ogle | December 31, 2011

The Legacy of General Kim Jong Il: An Interview with Professor Han S. Park
By Christine Ahn | December 28, 2011

The Death of General Secretary Kim Jong Il
On Saturday, December 17, 2011, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, 69 years old, passed away while traveling on a train to a field visit....

Korea-US Trade Agreement: The Hidden History
By Tim Shorrock | October 22, 2011

Of Bases and Budgets
By Christine Ahn | October 21, 2011

A Time for All to Embrace Change
By Paul Liem | October 21, 2011

When Apples Fall Far From the Tree
By Christine Hong | September 27, 2011
Preserving Jeju’s Ancient Relics
By Imok Cha, M.D. | September 22, 2011
Unwanted Missiles for a Korean Island
By Christine Ahn | August 6, 2011

Reading the Egyptian Revolution Through the Lens of US Policy in South Korea Circa 1980: Revelations
By Tim Shorrock | July 23, 2011
Agent Orange in Korea
By Christine Ahn | July 12, 2011
Ending South Korea’s Child Export Shame
By Jennifer Kwon Dobbs | July 7, 2011
Weaponizing Food Aid
By Christine Hong | June 28, 2011
The U.S. House is Violating Human Rights
By JT Takagi | June 28, 2011
Why We Must Oppose the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
By Christine Ahn and Seung Hye Suh | May 25, 2011
Negotiating with North Korea on its Nuclear Program
By Lt. General Robert G. Gard, Jr. (USA, ret.) | May 16, 2011
Peace: The Only Solution to Hunger in North Korea
By Christine Ahn | April 29, 2011

One Island Village’s Struggle for Land, Life, and Peace
By Anders Riel Müller | April 9, 2011
Bring War Dollars Home by Closing Down Bases
By Christine Ahn | April 10, 2011
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