The Korea Policy Institute (KPI) is pleased to announce the winners of its 2021 Voices of Peace contest. With three categories for submission – essay, poetry, and visual – the winners are:
Essay (two winners): “Obangsaek” by Andy Seungu Choi and Untitled essay by Quynh-May Nguyen
Poetry: Untitled Poem by Sydney Gil
Visual: “Silhouette Video” by Joan Gwak
To view the winning submissions, click here.
The Korea Policy Institute is pleased to present prizes of $200 to each of our winners and to showcase their prize-winning work on our website, in our Fall newsletter, and on our social media.

The Korea Policy Institute held this contest to help promote friendship between the peoples of the United States and Korea and peace on the Korean peninsula. Submissions had to be consistent with the mission of KPI and address one of the following prompts:
Addressed the role of the U.S. in the continued division of Korea and the ongoing tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Considered the ways people can best promote positive changes in U.S.-North Korea relations and/or North Korea-South Korea relations.
Drawing on personal experience, communicated how the unending 70-year Korean War has affected your life, or the lives of others that you know.
The Korea Policy Institute is an independent research and educational non-profit institute that provides timely analysis of U.S. policies toward Korea and developments on the Korean peninsula. In the interest of promoting friendship between the peoples of the United States and Korea, KPI is guided by the premise that a reasonable U.S. policy towards Korea must be supportive of the legitimate desires of the Korean people for peace, sovereignty, reconciliation, and the reunification of Korea. KPI does not accept funding from any foundations or national or international agencies; its work is sustained by individual donors and a voluntary staff of scholars, media makers and those interested in peace in Korea.